IAG + Firemark = Quickcover

Exploring the viability and desirability of Parametric Insurance through transparent and concise information.

laptop shows the project prototype laptop shows the project prototype laptop shows the project prototype

3 weeks


Firemark (IAG’s insurtech innovation and venturing hub)


Millie, Enza, Hang and Chris


A Digital Solution for a new Insurance Policy (Quickcover)


Market research, Comparative and Competitive Analysis, User Interview, Affinity Mapping, Personas creation, Journey Map, Crazy 8s, Design Studio, MVP, Sketching, Wireframing and Prototyping


Trello, Google Form, Otter.ia, Miro and Figma


Insurance has been around since the 1830’s and started out as a "community pot of money", that would be used for funerals and other disasters. From these humble beginnings, it is now currently worth 76 billion and is projected to grow to 98 billion by 2025 in Australia. This growth is fuelled by post COVID recovery, and the increasing effects of climate change.

We were asked by Firemark to test the desirability and viability of such products, which we know is called Parametric Insurance, and also look at the business goals of reducing customer churn due to unaffordability.

Business Goal

Test the viability and desirability of Parametric Insurance and reduce customer churn due to unaffordability at renewal time.


In summary: The insurance industry desperately needs an image overhaul.

By providing insurance information in a transparent and concise way, we believe that there will be an increase in customer loyalty and retention and everyone, including the business, achieves peace of mind.

"Insurance is a bitter pill, this is our chance to make it a bit sweeter.”

- KW,Melbourne.

The Research phase

To begin, we needed to learn more about our client, the Insurance Market and Parametric Insurance around the world in order to better understand the users and the problems . We did this through Market Research, Competitive and Comparative Analysis and a Survey .

This also helped us to identify any information gaps and prepare for our user interviews.

Who are our clients
question mark

iga logo

IAG are the biggest underwriters of insurance in Australia, which has 29% of the market.

Their purpose is "making the world a safer place” by focusing on FOUR strategic pillars:

  1. growing with customers
  2. building better businesses
  3. creating value through digital platforms
  4. managing risks
firemark logo

Firemark Ventures is part of the Firemark collective, IAG's Innovation and Venturing Hub.

Their focus is to disrupt the insurance industry by challenging the current norms.

They do this by is INNOVATION - using new technology, systems, ideas and business models around CUSTOMER-CENTRIC experiences.

So, What is Parametric Insurance???

In simple words, it is an insured amount of cash intended to help victims of natural disasters get by in the time between the occurrence of a natural disaster, and the time the insurance company takes to pay out the damage costs.

This process eliminates fraudulent claims and, in turn, reduces claim adjustment costs and creates a smooth, transparent and stress-free experience.

1- The Parameters of these exposures can be measured
illustrate flood house illustrate tornado house illustrate exposures measures graph illustrate fired house
Or any other natural disaster
2- An index is agreed or designed
to trigger the policy once the pre-agreed threshold is met or exceeded
Value is above a certain level past and future graph ... or Value is below a certain level
3- Upon triggering
storm illustration Cash as and when needed
4- Within 30 days
money illustratrion You receive a payout
(This infographic was created by me to help us explain Parametric Insurance to our users)

What’s the difference between Tradicional and Parametric Insurance?

A triggering event

A Claim Process

A pay-out mechanism

Tradicional Insurance

Loss or damage to physical asset

Complex; based on loss adjuster; can be slow

Reimbursement of actual loss / long process

Parametric Insurance

Event occurrence exceeding parametric threshold

Transparent, based on an index, quick settlement

Pre-arranged payment structure / quick process

So the 3 key advantages that Parametric Insurance has over Traditional Insurance are:

  • Flexibility - you can choose what you want to be covered for
  • No investigation necessary - the event is verified by a 3rd party
  • Faster Payouts - as there no formal assessment, payout is made within a week

An important point to drive here is that Parametric Insurance solutions ARE NOT designed to REPLACE but to COMPLEMENT traditional insurance programs.

What do people really think about insurance?

We surveyed over 40 people across the country, and from those people, we interviewed 20 about their experience regarding being in a natural disaster and their interactions and experiences when it cames to claiming on insurance.

Originally, we wanted to try and capture people who live in natural disaster prone areas, such as those in the NSW floods/bushfires, however this was really difficult to do in the short period of time we had, so we decided to expand our search to anyone with any type of insurance.

images of post-its images of post-its images of post-its images of post-its images of post-its images of post-its images of post-its images of post-its

Survey data...

The majority of people didn’t know anything about Parametric Insurance. We created a document with a simple, concise explanation about it and then asked our survey participants the final few questions:

money parachutes
Insurance for your insurance
house on fire icon
Guaranteed income in the event of a disaster...
house with a heart
... so you can get back on your feet.

What is parametric insurance?

Parametric insurance is a form of payment acting as a stop-gap between a disaster & receiving a full fledge insurance payment.

The payment is not dependent on property damage as such; it can for example, assist an insurer uf they're unable to work due to a natural disaster impacting their workplace or ability to work, helping to recover lost income.

Through this, parametric insurance has the potential to support large communities, promoting a quicker economic recovery in times of hardship caused by climate change driven peril events.

From our interviews, we learned that insurance in Australia has an image problem and that problem stems from there being a lack of transparency. For something as vital as insurance, more care needs to be taken when dealing with the entire subject matter from start to finish.

"When you receive your information pack, it's basically written in another language, and it's overwhelming."

- KW,Melbourne.

Key takeways from User Interview

why do our users buy insurance? users pain points while purchasing insurance what users look for when buying insurance? users thoughts about parametric insurance

Defining our Persona and the Problem Statement

Based on all the information gathered from our Research and from our users real experiences, we created our Persona Helen.


draw of persona

Helen is a mother of two, living working full time from home with her partner, in what she believes to be an area that has a higher risk of natural disasters due to global warming. She is primarily worried about floods in this regard.

To mitigate any potential losses in the event of a flood, she has purchased home and contents insurance. Helen feels that this will give her and her family peace of mind that they will be protected and safe in the event of an emergency.

Value &

  • • Personal communication
  • • Values sumolicity, honesty and clarity
  • • Wants to be able to confidently puchase insurance herself
  • • To feel protected in the event of an emergency


  • • Has researched her current insurance by comparing different insurers
  • • Sign up online
  • • Revisits insurance annually to investigate competitive pricing

Bio &

  • • 28-39
  • • Full-time WFH
  • • Mother of two
  • • Lives in rural of NSW


  • • She finds that many insurance plans lack transparency and clarity, and they can be ooverwhelming
  • • Can be time-consuming
  • • She's not sure of what she's paying for
  • • She's afraid of loopholes in the event of an emergency
“Helen, who lives in a high-risk area, needs transparent insurance information because she wants to have peace of mind knowing her home and family are protected in the event of an emergency.

Based on insights from our User Interviews, we could define what Transparency means for Helen:

“Transparent means to have all the information in one place, clear statements about coverage and no fine print.”

How does all of this aligns with what our competitors are doing?

It was hard to locate Direct Competitors in Australia. In fact there is only one currently offering Parametric Insurance . That wasn’t enough for us to get a proper understyanding on what “the best” were doing.

So we again expanded our net and went for the top performers both nationally, and internationally. It turned out that all the best are transparent, honest, and their insurance plans are simple and to-the-point.

The metrics that were used in the rating system included transparency, value for money, customer service and claim approvals. Interestingly, these are the same reasons that were brought up in our User Interviews-so there is a common theme here about “What customers look for in insurance” .

Brands such as NRMA and SGIO received far less approval ratings than best practise such as local insurer Honey and Lemonade from the US. We can see that there is a distinct correlation between the ease of information and transparency and the star rating and user approval.

“How might we provide Helen with transparent and concise information so that she can purchase a plan that gives her peace of mind in an event of an emergency.”

We have a Hypothesis for that: “We believe that Helen will be able to purchase a parametric insurance policy with confidence if the information provided is transparent and concise. We will know this to be true when Helen renews her insurance policy with the addition of Quickcover (the name of the parametric insurance policy that we are working on).”

Knowing that best practise is all about providing transparent information, our ideation phase began and we found that our focus was more about how we could visually and descriptively do this using UI and UX copy.

Ideation phase

The ideation process highlighted a few features but more importantly it showed us that it was more about the way we had to communicate the features of Quickcover.

Branding was given to us by Firemark: fonts, colours, logo and name of policy which was Quickcover .

logo quick cover for branding fonts used for branding colors used for branding

We found that UX writing and UI design were the winners to be able to solve this problem for Helen and increase customer retention for the business.

matrix comparing user value and organization effort

Language is the primary interface here. It's the verbal UI . It was important to be to-the-point.

exemple of verbal comunication used 1 exemple of verbal comunication used 2

Iconography and simpler illustrations are particularly useful because they make information more accessible. They bridge communication barriers.

Icons and simple graphics means transparent information!

exemple of icons illustrations 1 exemple of icons illustrations 2

We further developed illustrations inspired by our competitors. It was also important that it didn't 'feel' like insurance . Or rather, it was important that it had feeling.

personas illustrations
The best in the business were no longer using stock images- unique illustrations were the trend.
unique illustrations 1 unique illustrations 1
unique illustrations 2 unique illustrations 2
unique illustrations 3 unique illustrations 3

Based on our features and the brand assets we were given, along with those that we developed, we illustrated Helen's journey of renewing her insurance and the discovery of the new Quickcover.

This is an overview of what is essentially the user Task-flow.

Based on this storyboarded task-flow, we created low-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes, tested and implemented feedback, to be able to move to the next step: Our Final Solution!

Our Solution

Our solution brings transparent information to our users, with a Human-centred design approach. Because that's what the UX is about.

How do we measure success?

Now that we have changed the way Quickcover information is delivered, we need to measure the success in terms of User Experience Design. We chose the Google Heart framework as a way to measure.

  • We were able to achieve the GOAL - Helen is able to purchase Quickcover upon renewal of her home and contents insurance
  • The SIGNAL for this is in the number of users that complete payment of Quickcover - this can be verified by Google analytics or the business
  • The METRICS - Is the addition of Quickcover to current home policies. This data can be quantified by the business.

In terms of the business goals, we believe that through our research, synthesis, ideation and prototype, we were able to reach these goals of validating the desirability of Quickcover.

We also provided proof of concept of selling insurance in an EASY and TRANSPARENT way will increase renewal rates and increase loyalty of customers like Helen.


Now that we finished our part of the project, we have outlined the future Roadmap to ensure the success of the introduction of this newer type of insurance to a wider Australian market.

Road Map
quick cover logo

High-level Goal: Implement QuickCover on the market


Discovery Research: Desirability & Viability of the product

Usability Testing: Web version

Hi-fi Prototype


Include the pricing structure and sign up to QuickCover

Apply the graphics and structure to the entire Insurance

APP: for a faster Claim Process


New "Claim Process"

Usability Testing: Mobile version

Marketing NPS AI assistence

Key Takeaways

  • The insurance industry desperately needs an image overhaul. By providing transparent information, there will be an increase in customer loyalty and retention and everyone, including the business, achieves peace of mind;
  • By focusing on understanding more about the market and the real issue behind insurance, we could dive deeper into finding the best solution for IAG and Firemark. It was great to be able to test with real user’s to see the difference behind a great User Experience.

My Personal Learnings

  • It makes a huge difference when you start your design by understanding the real issue, instead of solving the problem given to you;
  • Understanding user’s behaviours is what makes we walk towards the solution. They are the key;
  • Being in a team where we’re all at the same page, understanding each others opinions and sharing knowledge makes the job easier and smooth;
  • It was such an amazing project, where we could trully understand the power of Research, User Experience and Team Work.